The international singing competition can be considered not only an important target for the Committee of volunteers, but also for Sulmona where culture has always been a reason for social aggregation. The competence, valency and unicity of this competition has always been recognized by those who have experienced it from the inside: singers, musicians, accompanists and jury members. Maybe it is the atmosphere of Sulmona, which makes all its guests feel “at home”, seduced by the charm of the ancient buildings and the sweetness of “confetti”, or the great care the volunteers of the “Maria Caniglia Association” take of the competitors; or the collaboration among the members of the jury which allows them to work serenely and impartially. It is sure that at the “Maria Caniglia”, as people call the competition, the atmosphere is very different from other ones. 

For these reasons the International Competition has become worldwide famous from year to year. Today the competitors, coming from all over the world, are aware they take part not only in a reliable competition, but also in a real audition which allows them, as in the past, to be proposed to stage managers of important Italian and European theaters. It is enough to take a glance at the “Livre d’or” of the competition “Maria Caniglia” to realize how undiscovered and talented young singers have become the stars of the most important opera houses in the world. This year the organizers had to cope with quite different circumstances. 

The perseverance, the passion, the competence and the reliability of the organizers (all of them are volonteers) have allowed once more to keep the competition at the high-level quality as the previous editions. Many thanks to institutions and people who have given contributions to allow the Association to organize the competition which is considered proud and prestige of Sulmona and Abruzzo. 



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